Aki PaoChen Chiu
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我試著回想與爸爸有關的記憶,當他還健康的時候,當他還是他的時候。 或者說那個沒有任何藥物影響的他真正的樣子。 我難以拼湊他在那之前的容顏,畢竟在臥床了十幾年後,他的病容已取代了他的壯年。 我喜歡媽媽和姊姊聊起以前的爸爸,那些我一個人無法記起的珍貴回憶。

我試著想像小時候的家,那個與年輕時的爸爸連結起的空間,或許能夠因此喚回爸爸的樣貌。 我想像著每個傢俱的位置,以及與他們相關的回憶。

I tried to recall my memory of Dad, the memory of him being healthy and perhaps more ’normal’, like the time he talked when there were no medical treatments messing up his mind, that kind of normal. I found it hard to retrieve those memories since he had been poorly about a dozen years. His image has been replaced by his illness. I enjoyed listening to Mum and my sister tell his story, and the funny memories we had with him, as I wouldn’t have been able to recall those precious times by myself.

I visualised the floor map of my childhood home, a space that connects to the young Dad, hoping it would help me to recall the memories of him. I tried to remember the position of each furniture, and the memories around those objects.


Map, 2020

Digital video, no sound



Botanist, 2021

Digital video with sound



Flower, 2020

Digital video, no sound

0’12” loop


Belongings, 2021

Digital video with sound


rabbit drawing_bg.jpg